Bankruptcy Attorney
Call West Coast BK Today

Your Home and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

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If you are having trouble making your mortgage payment each month, received a notice of default, or are behind on your mortgage payments, we can help you keep your home. Call us toll free 1-877-963-9543 to schedule a free consultation with our chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyers and attorneys to discuss your house in bankruptcy. All consultations are free and we have evening and weekend appointments available.

Save Your House From Foreclosure

Your Home and Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Get Rid of a Second Mortgage or Equity Line of Credit

We have helped hundreds of Bay Area homeowners keep their homes. Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy will can save your home from foreclosure and help you catch up on missed payments if you are behind multiple mortgage payments. Chapter 13 will also allow you to get rid of underwater mortgages such as a second or third mortgage or line of credit all while keeping your home and discharging all or a portion of your credit card debts.

Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you keep your home. When we file your petition for bankruptcy the automatic stay will stop any foreclosure proceeding or trustee sale. We will fax the notice of the bankruptcy the trustee sale company and make sure the foreclosure sale is stopped. The case must be filed at least 24 hours prior to the date of the trustee sale though. To fund the chapter 13 plan you will need regular income from hopefully a reliable source. One of the requirements for a chapter 13 plan to be approved is that it is possible for you to make all of the required plan payments. Another requirement if you have mortgage arrears is the ability to pay back all of the mortgage arrears over the term of the plan of reorganization. Most plans last from three to five years depending upon your average gross income for the six months prior to the bankruptcy case being filed.